The School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is actively committed to a culture of laboratory safety and responsible conduct of research. Here are some important resources for laboratory safety and dealing with emergencies

The School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is actively committed to a culture of laboratory safety and responsible conduct of research. Here are some important resources for laboratory safety and dealing with emergencies.

Type of Training (Deadline)

Tech Temps / Undergrads


Post Docs / Researchers

Online - CITI

 (90 days)

All Required Modules

All Required Modules

All Required Modules

In-Person Non RCR Project

(12 months)

None required



8 hrs (ChBE 6001 and 6003)



8hrs (Phil 6000)

In-Person NSF Project

(12 months)

1 hr (Cert form)

In-Person NIH Project

(12 months)





  • CITI to be completed within the first 90 days of employment. All required modules must be completed with a minimum score of 80%, so it is advisable to space out the training to ensure success.
  • Tech Temps and Undergrads that are not being paid by a RCR flagged project do not need to complete In-Person training.  For those that are on a RCR project, the In-Person Certification form should be used.
  • In-person training must be completed within the first 12 months of hire date or prior to leaving Georgia Tech, if less than a year of employment. Additionally, if the employee is being paid on a RCR flagged project that is terming, the training must be completed before the project end date.  (Non-compliant employee salary cannot remain on RCR flagged project.)
  • Some leeway allowed for the completion of Phil 6000 based on time and other constraints. In these instances, an In-Person Certification form must be completed, with signatures from both the employee and advisor. Please contact Leslie Schlag, in advance of the deadline to make the necessary arrangements.
  • Though approved by the institute, workshops are not a ChBE approved option for in-person training hours at this time.
  • Please contact Leslie Schlag, ChBE RCR compliance, at, for further information.


Institute RCR Compliance Website

Institute CITI Training

In-Person Certification Form
File last updated Jun 20, 2023.
Proposal Routing RCR Form
File last updated Jun 20, 2023.