Tuesday, October 24, 2023 11:00AM
Marc Lavine

Marc S. Lavine, Senior Editor, Science


"Communicating Science, Communicating in Science: An Insider's View"



There is a strong desire, often driven by real or perceived pressures, to publish research in a top tier journal like Science.  However, with a rejection rate above 93%, it is a difficult process. When a paper gets rejected without referee comments, it is hard to know why the paper failed to get past the initial screening process. In this talk, I will describe the publication process at Science, within the broader context of developing skills for more effective scientific communication. Aside from publishing in high impact journals, good communication tools are essential for forming scientific collaborations, bypassing research obstacles, avoiding conflicts during scientific presentations and explaining scientific research to funding bodies and the public at large, who are the primary source of financial support for scientific research.



Undergrad – Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto (Canada)

PhD – Materials Science at Cambridge University (UK)

Post-docs @ Bristol (Physics) (UK) and MIT (Chemical Engineering) (US)

Started as an editor at Science in 2001