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“The collaborative and interdisciplinary environment at Georgia Tech has led to many new research ideas. Support from my endowed chair has allowed me to follow up on those ideas and generate initial data that has catalyzed new discoveries, launched major research grants, and brought forth new technologies. This type of flexible funding fuels creativity and innovation.”
- Dr. Mark Prausnitz Regents’ Professor and Regents’ Entrepreneur J. Erskine Love Jr. Chair in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
The world is looking to research universities for solutions, and ChBE@GT will be the global thought leader in chemical and biomolecular engineering. We will be sought out for our research preeminence, interdisciplinary collaboration, innovative spirit, and entrepreneurial acumen.
Our School seeks flexible endowments to support all levels of faculty, from early-career professorships to full professorships and chairs. Philanthropic support provides our faculty the resources they need to pursue blue-sky ideas and emerge as the thought leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs who will change our communities and our world.
Named Faculty Chair ~ from $2,000,000
An Endowed Faculty Chair is designed to provide resources to scholars of eminent stature to head teaching and research in specialized areas within the School. Senior faculty chair holders will draw outstanding students to the program, stimulate innovative research, serve as mentors for younger faculty and aggressively seek leveraged funding from government and industrial sources.
Named Professorship ~ from $1,000,000
Income from these named endowments will be used to support outstanding faculty in ChBE. These Professorships will ensure that scholars who have already made their mark in the discipline possess the resources to remain at the forefront of their fields, while leading teaching and research efforts in areas important to the future of chemical & biomolecular engineering. The funding will be used to seed research projects, as well as for travel, equipment, and student research assistants.
Named Early-Career Professorship ~ from $500,000
These awards are given to the most promising young ChBE faculty members, and provide a major incentive in attracting and retaining those faculty who are tomorrow's leading teachers/scholars. Grants are awarded for up to five years, providing support to encourage innovation in teaching and research, thereby nurturing professional advancement during the critical pre-tenure years.
Endowed Faculty Awards may be named to recognize their donors or a designee. Please inquire about endowment funds for faculty support. We will work with you to establish a fund that is meaningful to you and supports excellence in teaching and research for generations.
ChBE Faculty Support Fund ~ a current-use fund where gifts of any size support faculty and research in the immediate term.
GIVE NOW ONLINE (please specify “ChBE Faculty Fund” in Special Purpose)
To inquire about making a gift or multi-year commitment in support of the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, please contact:
Lauren M. Kennedy
Director of Development (Individuals & Foundations)
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Office: 404-894-6345
Email: lauren.kennedy@dev.gatech.edu
Donna Peyton
Director of Corporate Engagement
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Office: (404) 894-0987
Cell: (404) 884-4880