
PhD students at Georgia Tech School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering can earn doctoral degrees in:
- Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Bioengineering
Below is a summary of the degree requirements for each option. See the Graduate Student Handbook for complete and authoritative information.
PhD in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Core Courses
- CHBE 6003 – Chemical Process Safety
- CHBE 6100 – Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- CHBE 6200 – Transport Phenomena
- CHBE 6260 – Mass Transport
- CHBE 6300 – Kinetics and Reactor Design
- CHBE 6500 – Mathematical Modeling
Elective Courses
- CHBE XXXX – ChBE Elective
3.2 GPA required for the above core courses.
- 3 courses from outside ChBE
- 1 can be at 4000-level; the other 2 must be graduate level
- Course of study requires approval before starting
- Must earn a B or better in each class
Other Courses
- CHBE 8001–2 – Graduate Seminars (must attend at least 60% every semester in residence)
- CHBE 8801 – Introduction to Research

Qualifying Exam
Oral Exam
- Review and critique an assigned technical paper
- 15 minute oral presentation to 2 or more faculty members
- Up to 45 minute question and answer session covering the paper and other fundamental aspects of chemical engineering
Research Evaluation
- The research advisor will submit an evaluation of the student’s research progress and potential.
Thesis Proposal and Oral Defense
- 10 to 20 pages in length
- 20 minute defense before Thesis Advisory Committee
- Must be completed no later than the end of the sixth semester at Georgia Tech
Thesis Research
- Must be a significant contribution to the field of chemical & biomolecular engineering
- Must be publishable in a peer-reviewed research journal in the field
Pre-Doctoral Review
- Includes a presentation of an outline for the completed PhD dissertation
- Done at least 6 months before the Thesis Defense
Fall Graduate Colloquium
- Must present seminar to ChBE faculty and students during the fall semester of your fourth year
PhD Dissertation
- Must meet Division of Graduate Studies guidelines
Thesis Defense
- Given before Doctoral Examination Committee, which contains at least 5 facutly members, 3 of whom must be from ChBE and 1 of whom must be from another academic unit at Georgia Tech.
PhD in Bioengineering
See the Bioengineering website for information about the Bioengineering PhD Program.